giovedì 27 febbraio 2014

Oversea EXPO per lavorare in Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Canada!

Evento da non perdere per chi vuole lavorare oltre oceano.

Destinazione: Canada, Nuova Zelanda e Australia.
Quando: 22-23 Marzo
Dove: Londra, ILEC Conference Centre
Costo del biglietto: 17.5£

Se la data o la destinazione non fanno per voi eccovi delle alternative

  • Dublino, 19 Marzo
  • Manchester, 15,16 Marzo

martedì 25 febbraio 2014

Stipendio per camerieri a Londra - Le cifre £££

Mi pare di aver capito che vorreste trasferirvi a Londra e iniziare facendo il cameriere, giusto?
(ammesso che che il vostro inglese sia sufficiente, altrimenti è più probabile che finiate in cucina a lavare piatti o coprire mansioni che non richiedono l'interazione col cliente)

Ottima scelta, in effetti non sarà difficile trovare lavoro nella ristorazione.

Quanto guadagnerò?
Su totaljobs il salary range è compreso tra 14,665£ - 17,394 £

Questo si traduce in uno stipendio netto mensile di 1,077£ - 1,231£ 

Trasporti e affitto occuperanno poco piu del 50% dei vostri introiti e probabilmente risparmierete qualcosa di alimenti dato che mangerete sul luogo di lavoro.

Per maggiori info sul costo della vita a Londra cliccate qui!

venerdì 21 febbraio 2014

Intervista #10 - Laura, Business Consultant from Frankfurt

Hi Laura, can you tell us about yourself and what brought to London? 
Thank you for having me here. I think it is important that people think twice before moving to another country and I am happy to tell you about my move from Frankfurt/ Germany to London.

I am 29 years old and I was born in Frankfurt/ Germany were I spent nearly my whole life. The only time I left home for longer than a month was when I was studying in the Basque Country for a semester.

After some months in the UK what is your impression of living in England? pro and cons compared to Germany?
London is much bigger than Frankfurt and has a lot more to offer. You could visit a different pub every evening for three years in a row and you could have tried at least 267 beer brands during that journey. And this is just one statistic to prove the existing varieties regarding foods, drinks and cultural institutions. O
On the CONTRA side would be the fact that most of London's residents moved here because of their jobs so what you do and for whom you do it is a very often discussed topic. This can become boring but keeps you focused which isn't that bad I guess.

As we well know, there are plenty of business opportunities in this city, networking events, business drinks, people seem to be extremely proactive and value networking very much. What's your take and your experience?
As I've mentioned before you talk to people about your job very often anyways so even if you don't proactively go to networking parties you generate a lot of business contacts, if you're a social person you get to know a lot of people and if you're clever and skilled enough you can find a business opportunity everywhere.

Do you find london a difficult city to live in? what do you think are the key requirements to successfully move abroad? I often read of people who moved here expecting to find paradise on earth and suddently book their flight home as soon as things got complicated.
First of all you need to be aware of the costs. You need to have a job before you come to London. You need to earn enough to be able to even rent an apartment as the landlords often ask for a payslip or a bank statement to prove your income for a year. London is too expensive to just come here and expect that everything comes your way. This is something that doesn't only count for London but for every country that you want to live in, learn the language and have a plan about what you want to do and achieve. Only moving to another place won't make your skill set grow. Without a structured plan you won't not be able to survive.

Workwise, it looks like a dream of many is to go self employed or open their own company, can you see yourself in this category in the near future? 
UK's job market in general asks more for skills than for graduation papers (which you need as well). This doesn't mean that you don't have to visit schools and universities but it means that you will always be able to proof yourself to do other very different things taking over more responsibilities and earning higher salaries as long as you're willing to do so. London is the city with the highest amount of young senior people.
Last but not least, will you go back to Germany one day or is not in your plan now?
I don't have a plan yet. London offers me so much at the moment that I will definitely spend some more years here. What happens during this years will then some day leave me to a decision.

Thank you very much for your time, Jac. I hope we spend several more years working together :)

domenica 16 febbraio 2014

Le domande piu frequenti ai colloqui

Affrontare i colloqui non è mai una cosa semplice, figurarsi poi se in un'altra lingua!

Preparatevi in anticipo per affrontare le domande più comuni e più spinose.

Tenete conto che per essere "bravi" nei colloqui bisogna essere a proprio agio, e questo spesso comporta affrontarne diversi. Difficilmente avrete successo al vostro primo colloquio all'estero, quindi preparatevi a ricevere qualche no, ma affrontate ogni esperienza come un'opportunità di miglioramento!

Dopo ogni colloquio fate mente locale e annotatevi le domande a cui avete risposto male o dove vi siete trovati in difficoltà, in modo che ciò non accada più!

Eccovi il link a 31 delle domande piu comuni e che spesso spiazzano i candidati:
  • Can you tell me a little about yourself? 
  • How did you hear about the position? 
  • What do you know about the company? 
  • Why do you want this job? 
  • Why should we hire you?
  • ...
allora che dite? vi sembrano facili?

Il mio consiglio è scrivervi le risposte su un foglio, in dettaglio oppure anche solo con degli schemi mentali, anche solo le keywords più importanti, ma scrivetele, vi torneranno utili!

In particolare durante un colloquio al telefono avere delle note e degli appunti nei paraggi aiuta, anche solo psicologicamente vi renderà più sicuri di voi stessi.

Good luck!

mercoledì 12 febbraio 2014

Oil & Gas jobs and info

Per chi di voi fosse interessato al settore Oil & Gas condivido con voi una risorsa utile, la guida del 2014 alle aziende leader di questo settore.

The World's Biggest Oil & Gas Companies 2014

  • The Top 11 Oil & Gas Companies Did You Know?
  • Interesting Facts About Each Company. 
  • The Leaders: CEO Profiles 
  • The Numbers: Barrels Per Day, Revenue, Employees 
  • Social Giants: Ranking The Top 11 By Twitter Followers 

Per chi invece è alla ricerca di lavoro ecco alcune job board che possono fare al caso vostro.

sabato 8 febbraio 2014

Virtual Fair 27 marzo, destinazione Irlanda!

Bilingual People ha da poco annunciato una virtual fair per la data del 27 Marzo 2014, per candidati interessati all'Irlanda.

Bilingual People have created several exciting online events for 2014 to focus on specific hard to find skill sets and to highlight the increasing number of opportunities available in certain regions.

Each event will be Virtual and you will be able to interact live with interested candidates from wherever you are located. The targeted marketing and promotion of these events will make sure that the candidates will know the purpose of the event and where your opportunities are based. This will enable you to have relevant conversations with people who are already committed to relocating to your area.

With the vast array of multinational European head offices is situated in Ireland, and the huge requirement to recruit multilingual employees, taking part in more inventive ways of reaching these individuals has never been more important.

Our relocate to Ireland Virtual Event will be geared to attracting candidates with language and skill sets that are scarce in the local market, and will focus on bringing in new talent to the country to alleviate these recruitment concerns.

The pre event marketing will be focused on Ireland as a great place to live and work and how relocation will provide great opportunity to candidates looking to work for some of the world's best companies.
This Fair is dedicated to bilingual and multilingual candidates looking for career opportunities in Ireland 

L'Irlanda è solo una delle tante fair organizzate da Bilingual People

  • German Speakers 11 Marzo
  • Virtual Call Centre 8 Aprile
  • Virtual Sales 29 Aprile
  • Virtual Finance  10 Ottobre
  • e molte altre!

martedì 4 febbraio 2014

Opportunità di carriera per INFORMATICI in IRLANDA

Dove: The Convention Centre Dublin, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1.
Quando:  un giorno - Sabato 15 Febbraio 10am - 5pm
Cos'è: CareerZoo è un evento dedicato ai professionisti dell'informatica, dai neolaureati ai profili con più esperienza

Volete parlare con aziende di software del panorama irlandese? questa è l'occasione giusta!

Alcune delle aziende presenti: AOL, Aon, CarTrawler, Citrix, CR2, Datalex, Digital Crew, Ericsson, Fidelity, Guidewire, Hays Recruitment, IT Alliance, Johnson & Johnson, Ocuco, Pramerica, ServiceSource, Storm, Symantec, System Dynamics, SIG and Unum
Per la lista dettagliata cliccate qui.

Quanto costa: admission free!!! Sbrigatevi quindi a registrarvi e a prenotare il vostro volo per l'Irlanda!